BGR! Nation #COVID19 Update sysop | 05/27/2020 Hello BGR! Nation! As a running community leader, many people have taken note of how BGR! has pivoted and shown…
Welcome BGR! Spartanburg / Greenville, SC sysop | 04/06/2020 Even though the pandemic is keeping us close to home, running solo and virtually connected, BGR! Nation is still growing…
BGR! Nation Safety Update Alert sysop | 04/02/2020 Hey BGR! Nation & Family! Hoping you and your families are healthy and well considering all of what is around…
BGR! Nation Safety Alert Update sysop | 04/02/2020 Hey BGR! Nation & Family! Hoping you and your families are healthy and well considering all of what is around…
#COVID19 Information From BGR! Nation sysop | 03/26/2020 Hey BGR! Family & Nation! I hope this message finds you well in the midst of the chaos around us. It…
BGR! Announces Three New Subgroups for Members sysop | 03/03/2020 Hey BGR! Nation! We know you guys love some BGR! and linking up with women across the country! We have…
Make a Big Impact with Black Girls RUN! & #OptOutside sysop | 11/20/2019 We are just a little over 1 week away from Thanksgiving – a special time in the year where we…
#OptOutside on November 29 with Middle GA (and the rest of BGR! Nation) sysop | 11/07/2019 By opting to act, we can work toward a more sustainable future for all. As part of REI’s #OptOutside, we…
We can do better for future generations. #OptOutside 2019 sysop | 10/24/2019 “We can do better for future generations. We must act now.” Eric Artz, REI CEO Every year I look forward…