25th Gift of Life Donor Dash Alexis Hendricks | 04/07/2022 Help save lives with every step you take by joining Gift of Life and team Black Girls RUN! for the…
Gratitude Is… Alexis Hendricks | 04/06/2022 [grat·i·tude | gra-tə-tüd : the state of being grateful; the quality of being thankful; the readiness to acknowledge and show appreciation for.]…
Encourage Yourself Part Two – The Journey Continues Alexis Hendricks | 03/18/2022 “Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, love yourself, and never doubt who you are.” – Stephanie Lahart, Author March marks my…
Waiting to Exhale: How to Breathe While Running Alexis Hendricks | 03/16/2022 Breathing while running comes naturally for some. For others, like me, it takes practice. Proper breathing is part of a…
Stretch Beyond The Impossible Alexis Hendricks | 03/11/2022 Road to Selma As you are embarking on big races this year, and honestly, any race this year allow yourself…
Rest Is Part Of The Program Alexis Hendricks | 03/09/2022 It’s training season; many have already done many races, while others are starting to hit the pavement. Wherever you are…
WOMEN OF COLOR AND MENOPAUSE Alexis Hendricks | 03/04/2022 Menopause = A natural decline in reproductive hormones when a woman reaches her 40s and 50s. Many symptoms become present…
Calories, Carbs, Protein and other stuff… Alexis Hendricks | 03/02/2022 The Importance of Keeping a Food Journal You may have started the year out with a resolution or intentions to…
Summer Bodies are Made in the Winter Alexis Hendricks | 02/11/2022 Whoever first said summer bodies are made in the winter must have lived where 70ish degrees reside all year round.…