Marathon running, relay style! Alexis Hendricks | 06/08/2022 Call it fulfilling a New Year’s resolution or just seeing some great marketing – when I kept getting ads for…
A Conversation with ‘Your Total Health Doctor’ Teriya Richmond: Where the Mind, Body & Spirit Meet Alexis Hendricks | 06/03/2022 Your Total Health (and Spa) Doctor Teriya Richmond’s innovative, intentional and modern model for health- and self-care make her a…
Training Tips for the Heat Alexis Hendricks | 05/25/2022 It’s that time of the year when you begin to feel the temperature rising, the humidity is starting to creep…
Smell Ammonia? Alexis Hendricks | 05/18/2022 Your Body’s Trying to Tell You Something Your body is full of symptoms that typically try to tell you something.…
THE POTATO HAS LEFT THE COUCH…AND GONE RUNNING Alexis Hendricks | 05/11/2022 Are you a couch potato? Did you used to be a couch potato? Do you know a couch potato? Do…
When JOY is on E Alexis Hendricks | 05/04/2022 For the past two years, we have experienced major life changes. The pandemic has brought on all kinds of changes,…
The Road Back Alexis Hendricks | 04/27/2022 After two years of avoiding the coronavirus, it finally got me. It started when my younger son developed a cough…
When Injury Puts You on Ice Alexis Hendricks | 04/20/2022 As someone who’s run since high school, I’ve experienced my fair share of injuries. Shin splints, pulled muscles, twisted ankles…
Spring Cleaning Alexis Hendricks | 04/13/2022 Spring is officially here, and as temps warm, we look to shed layers of clothing, unwanted pounds and clutter. We…