Oct 31, 2019
Why You Should #OptOutside on November 29

Black Girls RUN! is taking it to the pavement as we usually do this year on Friday, November 29th. In some worlds, this day – the day after Thanksgiving is a day we raid the mall and stores to start our Christmas shopping, BUT this year (and for the last five years), we are ditching the stores and heading outside! #sponsored
The #OptOutside campaign is the perfect campaign as it embodies all that Black Girls RUN! stands for – community, health and fitness! We join in with REI on this campaign because of our members! Our members inspire us to opt to act – whether its going for a run, giving an encouraging word to a member, picking up trash along our route or choosing to enjoy the outdoors after Thanksgiving dinner!
Each day we have the opportunity to change the world by taking small steps (no pun intended!) in the community, neighborhood or block that we live! So, what can you do this season to change your community? Organize a neighborhood run/walk, yard sale, trash pick up day, or say a kind word to a neighbor!
Let us know what you plan to do to Opt to Act and #OptOutside! We have groups across the country organizing run, trash pick up events, running shoe donations and much more! Check back often to see more locations added.
1. Atlanta
POC: Sierra Grigsby: sgrigsby@coca-cola. com
November 29th, 8:00 A.M., Cochran Mill Park, 6875 Cochran Mill Road, Palmetto, GA 30268
2. San Fran Bay Area
Mission Peak. November 29th at 7:00am Fremont, CA
POC: Aretha Hampton, ahampton72@att.net
3. Central Jersey
POC: Ingrid Trotman bgrcentraljersey@gmail.com
8am Rosedale Park
424 Federal City Rd
Pennington, New Jersey 08534
4. Chicago
Vollmer Grove, Vollmer Road west of Crawford Ave.
POC: Kelli Rockwell kpr710@gmail.com
5. Inland Empire
POC: Ayrika Moxley ayrikasf@hotmail.com
Mt. Rubidoux/Ryan Bonamino Park, Riverside, CA – 7am
6. Sacramento
POC: Noel Roberts, Laker4life@comcast. net
Garcia Bend Park 7am
7. Fayetteville, NC
8. South Jersey
POC: Janessa Jones janessaj@msn.com
Laurel Acres Park, (1045 S Church St, Mt. Laurel, NJ) at 9 am
9. Charlotte
POC: Wendy Berry, wmmccall29@yahoo.com
Trader Joe’s
1820 East Arbors Drive
Charlotte, NC 28262
Time: 7 am
10. Jacksonville
POC: Tonisia Billups, tonisia1015@ comcast.net
6:15am Baldwin Trails 2 Imeson Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32220
11. Baltimore
POC: Buffy Holmes buffyhholmes@gmail.com
What: BGR! Baltimore Plogging 5K
When: Friday, November 29, 2019
Where: Gwynns Falls Trail, 3301 Waterview Drive Baltimore, MD 21230
Time: Meet at 8:45AM; Takeoff at 9am
12. Los Angeles
Opt Outside to the Hollywood Sign
Innsdale Drive Trail to the Hollywood Sign:
Innsdale Trail, Los Angeles, CA 90068
POC: Nancy Fernandez naniipu@aol.com
13. NYC
Bronx Meeting Location: 161 St and River Avenue, Bronx, New York 10451
Distance 3-5 miles. All Levels Group Run.
POC: Gisela Perez, giperez03@optonline.net
Brooklyn Location: 9am All Levels Group Run
Brooklyn in the train station @ Eastern Parkway Station stop on the 2/3 train lines. It will be an out and back timed run. 20 minutes out and 20 minutes back.
POC: Ethel Wilson, divineorder57@gmail. com
14. Montgomery
3 miles at Lagoon Park in Montgomery, AL at 8am followed by Adopt A Mile to clean on Edgemont Avenue or East Delano whichever is approved by the City of Montgomery
POC: Lori Burks/Shamarick Paradise shamarick@gmail.com
15. Columbus, GA
16. Columbus, OH
Location: Sharon Woods Metro Park
Address: 6911 Cleveland Ave, Westerville OH 43081
Time: 8am
POC: Cheralee Cherrie Calhoun cheralee@yahoo.com
17. Winston Salem
Friday, November 29th at 7am at Gateway YMCA 1300 S. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC
POC: Aisha Washington: aisha0402@gmail. com
18. Middle GA
Wells Fargo, 1125 GA 96, Kathleen, Ga @8am. We will walk along hwy 96 and pick up trash.
POC: Renee Houey houeyt@hotmail.com
19. Richmond, VA
POC: Karen Anderson ahealthierdirection4u @yahoo.com
Dorey Park 8am, 2999 Darbytown Rd Henrico, VA 23231
20. St. Louis
O’Fallon Park 799 E Taylor Avenue St Louis, Mo 63147. 9 AM.
POC: Cyeria Jackson cyeria_qualls@yahoo. com
21. Hampton Roads, VA
Bennetts Creek Park, Suffolk, VA
POC: Saundra Johnson, sljohnson@appleone.com
22. Detroit, MI
Southfield Police Department at 5am. The address is 26000 Evergreen Rd., Southfield, MI 48076
23. Long Island
POC: Jennean Rogers jenneanrogers@gmail.com
8:00 A.M. at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY.
24. Columbus, OH
Shaker Heights Middle School
20600 Shaker Blvd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122
POC: Teresa Sayles blackgirlsruncleveland@gmail. com