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Apr 26, 2021

Trust the PROCESS

When I started my fitness journey, I remember it like it was yesterday scrolling through social media and astonished at the numerous fitness post and all of the outcomes that were posted from the process of eating healthy and physical fitness. I said to myself wow as a beginner this can be very overwhelming at times. Although it is great to see someone post their 6 pack abs or their clearly defined leg muscles but often it can also be discouragement.

How is it discouraging?

Well as we all know that change is a process. As women it can get discouraging to work out so hard and not see the results that you want to see. I know how you feel I’ve been there. I’m here to tell you change is a process and it takes time. I’ve been that woman that also would look at someone else end journey and wish I looked like them. I had to quickly remind myself that just like me they went through a process. Often as we view pictures of people, we don’t see their process but just see their outcome. We may not understand that they too may have suffered through the same process we are currently going through.

So how do you TRUST the Process

It is 2 KEY things to always remember while going through your process.

  1. Celebrate Your Process
  2. Don’t Quit

Celebrate Your Process

One thing that I have learned is to celebrate the small accomplishments and I don’t feel bad in doing it. I saw a post from an amazing friend displaying the rawness, the “no makeup” the “mama stripes” and just simply her pure beauty. I was once that person who was so ashamed of my body as it was going through its process, I have learned to embrace my inner and outer beauty. Don’t hide away from your true womanhood, embrace it, celebrate that process in your life. As women our bodies go through so much within our lives that displays our true strength from bearing a child, or going through a huge transition in their life, the process of engaging in physical activity is a huge step in creating a healthy lifestyle not only for themselves but also their family. Celebrate that process!  You may feel as if you are not at the weight you want to currently be right now but celebrate where you are. This lifestyle called healthy is a process and must be taken each day at a time.


Have you ever been frustrated because you didn’t see the results immediately? Remember it takes time; typically, it takes approximately 4-6 weeks of training for your body to truly acknowledge what you are doing. Also, remember it’s a process, it will take time for change. Don’t give up or get frustrated but stay the course. If you fall off dust yourself off and get back on the bandwagon. Remember in order to be successful and to change you will go through some disappointments, failures and falls but the ability to get up and finish the course is driven by your determination and motivation. So” Don’t Quit”

We all fight this thing called change and the process it takes to change. Remember these key things:

Trust the Process

Celebrate the Process (reward yourself for each small goal)

Don’t Quit

Let’s fight this course called “Healthy Lifestyle” together.  Let’s “Be a Better Me and You”

Love always,


By: Felicia. R. Hall @feliciarhall
Felicia is an educator and motivator at heart. Felicia is a Certified Athletic Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Run & Fitness Coach, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor, Educator and a doctoral candidate. She is a small-town girl who loves running, nature and helping others become the best version of themselves.