Black Girls RUN! Local Group Run Agreement - Please Sign


Apr 27, 2018

It Starts In the Kitchen

My annual physical is coming up and I am already a nervous wreck!

Why? I have no clue!

But, the idea of checking my blood pressure GIVES ME high blood pressure (known as the “white coat” syndrome)!

Over the last 30 days, I have been monitoring my blood pressure daily at home with the  Omron EVOLV, a portable, wireless upper-arm blood pressure monitor. With no tubes, wires or tabletop unit, the new sleek, one-piece EVOLV blood pressure monitor easily fits on the upper arm and clearly displays a blood pressure reading on the face of the device with a press of a button.

It has been quite handy and actually gives me peace of mind before going to the doctor! I also have my hubby doing it too! We have been making a conscious effort to cook more and make lunches. I am not a huge fan of meal prep, but I really can see the difference in my blood pressure when I eat more fruits and greens.

Black Girls RUN! announced earlier this month that we had taken the challenge with Omron Healthcare in support of their mission of “GOING FOR ZERO”, eliminating heart attacks and stroke! 

The American Heart Association announced a reclassification of guidelines for high blood pressure in November 2017. These updated guidelines lowered the threshold for hypertension from 140/90 mmHg to 130/80 mmHg, resulting in more than 103 million Americans now being classified as hypertensive under the new guidelines.

Blood pressure really depends on what you are eating and how much physical activity you are doing! If you are anything like me, the hard work is in the kitchen. I know that what I eat really does regulate my blood pressure. Some of my favorite snacks include hummus, peaches and avocado toast! I have also made a conscious effort of doing more diligent grocery shopping. If you are anything like my household, when groceries get low, we eat out more. My blood pressure sky rockets after I have fast food – and I feel bad! Eating right is hard. Any tips you can give me?

Join Black Girls RUN! in the challenge! #OmronHealthcare #GoingforZero #EVOLV #Omron #hypertension #bloodpressure #hearthealth #medicaldevice


Black Girls RUN! has been provided compensation and the blood pressure monitoring equipment for this campaign.