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Jun 4, 2024

Introducing BGR! Sole Sista Team 2024-2025 – Part 1

Meet Black Girls RUN! brand influencers, Sole Sista.

Meet Shawn Chestnut

My name is Shawn Chestnut. I began running as physical challenge for myself to be able to run a 5k by my birthday in 2018. I was invited to join a run club in 2018 and shared my personal goal to become a marathoner. In 2019, that goal became a reality. I ran my first marathon in Los Angeles.  I just completed my 10th marathon and will began training soon to run Every Woman’s Marathon in November. I will also run my first ultra-marathon in January 2025.

I also run for a cause bigger than myself.  In May, I run for a nonprofit organization to support families in Haiti. The goal is to run/walk 200 miles and donations are made for every mile I run.

I enjoy running because it keeps me out of comfort zone and there is always room to become a better version of myself.  Thanks to running I have become a strong woman mentally and physically! 

I also enjoy working out and hope to inspire others to become a better version of themselves.

Peace and blessings,

Shawn Chestnut (IG- ouidah27) Facebook (Shawn Davis)

Meet Antionette “Toni” Chatmon

My name is Antionette “Toni” Chatmon. I’m 52 years young. I’m an educator with 30 years experience. I’m married to my high school and we have two awesome adult daughters. 

I’m an avid runner and cyclist. I’ve been an athlete since age 6 thanks to the Boys& Girls Club.

I’ve been a member and group run coordinator for BGR Jacksonville since its inception in 2012. I’m a RRCA Certified Run Coach, Game Changer, Certified Girls on the Run Coach as well as former AAU coach. My husband and I were presidents of a local track club for 12 years.  

I completed my first marathon in 1998 and have completed 12 since then. I’ve also completed a Ragnar and several half marathons and 5ks. My current goal is to complete a sprint triathlon.

I love the BGR Sisterhood and I’m excited about serving as a BGR Sole Sista.  I’m looking forward to encouraging and motivating more BIPOC women to live healthy lifestyles and be physically and spiritually fit. 

Meet Shantel Ruff 

I have been a part of BGR since the Summer of 2021. I was inspired to join this group to gain some consistency in my routine and I have gained that and more over time. I now frequently sign up for races for that extra push of motivation. I enjoy running/walking on a daily basis and encouraging others to just get out and move.

Meet Catherine Reid

My name is Catherine and reside in Blythewood, South Carolina. I have been running with Black Girls Run! since 2011. My relationship with running has its peaks and valleys, but I keep showing up. To me it’s a form of self love. Black Girls Run! has been an integral part of my run journey and I’m honored to be selected for 2024 Sole Sista Ambassador Team. You can follow me on Instagram: roadrunninthru40.

Meet Eden Barbee-Mabry

Joining Black Girls RUN! in 2016, at a BGR! event at Atlantic Station, in Atlanta, Georgia, Eden Barbee-Mabry has not waivered or looked back at her lifestyle before BGR! Once becoming a member of the South Atlanta Group, she saw the opportunity to get more women involved, and opened a new BGR! site in Fairburn, Georgia during 2020, when the world shut down. Growing from 5 members to over 20, the Fairburn group celebrated their 3 year anniversary September 2023.

Eden’s Fairburn group is currently in full effect with the WalkB4URun Program and will graduate on June 1st!

Eden is a water aerobics instructor, freelance writer, member of Black Women Writers, and National Association of Writers. She received her Certification in Theology in 2019, and works with the State of Georgia in the field of Education.

A native of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Eden received her Communications degree from Clark Atlanta University. Mother of two adult children, wife, daughter, friend and Run Coordinator, Eden believes that running is more than just about pace.She is an advocate for women of size and inspires daily.

Excited about this Sole Sista opportunity for the 2024-2025 season, follow her on the journey!

Instagram: gardenonthegram

Meet Marleen Hardy

My name is Marleen Hardy. I am a part of BGR! Las Vegas and a Run Coordinator.

I joined BGR! Jacksonville in 2021 as a walker! To date, I’ve completed numerous 5K’s, 10K’s, 15K’s and three Selma to Montgomery Relay races. In 2022, with the support of BGR! U, I completed my first Half Marathon and three weeks later completed my first Ragnar Trails.

I look forward to the opportunity to inspire, encourage, support and uplift other women just as I’ve been. It is my hope to motivate myself to lead a healthier lifestyle along the way.

Meet Anna Humes

I’m a self-proclaimed party pace, bling-chaser. I love petting cats on my runs and wearing neon. My go-to distance is the 5k, with a sprinkle of half-marathon madness. I’m all about embracing any form of movement – whether it’s running, walking, yoga, or even indoor spin. When I’m not running races or training, I’m playing video games or listening to ’90s R&B, while balancing life as a mental health therapist, wife, and mom of two. One day, I would love to conquer a sprint triathlon.