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Feb 9, 2022

Going for Goal

January is that time of year that we celebrate closing the chapter of the prior year and eagerly pursue the promises and possibilities of a new year, a new chapter. We look inwardly and outwardly, take stock of our lives, reassess our priorities and make resolutions geared toward chasing our GOALS. We resolve to lose weight, take up running, start a business, temper our drinking, pursue love, invest financially, invest in our relationships, learn a new language, practice self care, attend church, etc. etc. etc. We all subscribe to the notion that the start of the new year is the opportune time to focus on our personal growth, happiness and living with intention.

And then February happens. Research shows that one third of resolutions don’t make it past the end of January. So, how are your goal digging ways going, Sis? If you answered “great”, high fives for you. But if you need a bit more motivation to stay the course or if you have completely abandoned the journey to the more evolved you, here are a few tips to help you tip the scales in your favor to live the fuller, more fulfilled life that you desire.

Be specific. Set realistic, measurable goals. Not being specific or being too lofty with your resolutions can lead to you becoming overwhelmed and can sabotage your launch or create an unintended consequence, such as stress. So, set your sights on setting attainable goals, then crush them. Little can fuel your will to win than a win, no matter how small it may seem. From there, build on your progress until you reach the ultimate outcome.

Be particular. During your assessment of your life, you may have created quite a long list of things you want to enhance or erase. But be intentional, and don’t nit pick every aspect of who you are. Ensure that what you choose to work on or who you aspire to be is relevant and realistic. Shoot for progress, not perfection.

Practice grace. Although the new year may be the fresh new start we all need right now, give the old you some grace. Change can be hard and sometimes requires time, more time than we may initially think. Some bad habits didn’t form overnight and some won’t disappear that fast either. So don’t expect to reverse course in mere days, weeks or even months in some cases.

Create a plan. Creating a plan helps you to thoroughly think through the goal, the actions to get you there and how to conquer the obstacles you may face. Without one, you may be tempted to give up at the first sign of adversity. It’s cliché, but so true: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Putting things to paper also offers self-accountability and the ability to visualize your future success.

New Year’s resolutions sometimes come with negative connotations, but setting them can be a catalyst for discovering newfound passions and purpose. The problem isn’t that we can’t stick to our resolutions, it’s that oftentimes our commitments aren’t actionable or achievable. Also remember, that change is a process that could be peppered with hurdles and setbacks. But go ahead, and do it anyway. You got this, and you’re worth it!

By: Joy Harrell @joyrunsrealestate

Joy Harrell is a licensed real estate agent and co-owner of The Sift Sisters bakery based in Houston, Texas. She is a native Houstonian and graduate of the University of Houston—go Coogs! When she is not helping people buy, sell or invest in real estate, she can be found hanging or traveling with her hubby, running or biking the streets and trails in and around Houston, mentoring girls or testing new food and cocktail recipes.