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Mar 1, 2023

Disappointed But Not Defeated

Have you ever had a race that you trained hard for and didn’t perform the way you wanted to perform? I can raise both hands and feet on that question. What do you do? How do you handle it?

Not performing well can leave you feeling defeated, feeling like you failed, like all your training was in vain but I’m here to tell you that you’re not defeated; disappointed but not defeated. So how do you combat the struggles of not performing well or not finishing? Here are 5 things to help you get back on the bandwagon, back in the saddle, and back on the pavement stronger than before.

  1. Take a step back!

So often we jump into the next race, the next thing, the next adventure without taking time to simply process, renew and restore. Take a step back. Take time to simply step back, rest and recover. When you truly allow yourself time to simply be and not do you allow time to recover the mind and the body leaving you coming back stronger.

  1. Try on something new!

Try on something different; that yoga class that you always wanted to try out, take that on. Do something that doesn’t have certain expectations or achievement goals. Try on something that will take your mind off of running or racing.

  1. Back to the drawing board!

Come back to the drawing board. There is something about having fresh eyes, renewed mind, and a body that allows you to come to training with a new perspective. Take time out to take inventory of areas that you would like to work on to get that PR or overall performance. It’s not the time to judge all that you did wrong but assess the areas that you feel you may need more attention to reach your goals.

  1. Get support!

Every coach needs a coach. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to reach out and have someone hold you accountable for showing up for your training. Having a good support system helps you stay on track and stay focused on your goal. Reach out to your BGR! sisters and groups. Remember you don’t have to train alone.

  1. Have fun!

Don’t forget to have fun during your training. So often we get caught up in our times, our runs, and our speed that we forget the reasoning behind why we began running. Don’t let the training cause you to not enjoy the runs. Have fun in the process! If you’re not having fun then take time out to access why am I not having fun? How can I change or come to this training with a different perspective so that I can enjoy my runs? Take time to assess and then allow yourself to have fun and enjoy the process.

Races can be exciting, invigorating, and sometimes nerve-racking if you don’t get the time that you were striving for. Don’t beat yourself up. Take time out to truly allow yourself grace and support. Take on these 5 steps before stepping back out on the pavement and back into training. Always remember not getting your time or PR does not make you defeated. You may be disappointed but know you’re not defeated!

By: Felicia. R. Hall @feliciarhall
Felicia is an educator and motivator at heart. Felicia is a Certified Athletic Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Run & Fitness Coach, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor, Educator, and a doctoral candidate. She is a small-town girl who loves running, nature, and helping others become the best version of themselves.