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Jun 28, 2023

Core Power ® : A Strong Finish to Power Your Day

When it comes to recovery, trying to know and execute all the things can be a daunting and somewhat uncertain undertaking. We are all uniquely made, and what we take from our bodies and give to our workouts and runs is also unique. But the one thing we all have in common is our need for recovery after the stresses we place on our bodies during exercise. And proper recovery starts with protein. Protein is essential for repairing, rebuilding, and maintaining muscle and body tissue.

On their own, Core Power protein shakes are refreshing and convenient ways to consume high-quality, complete protein that supports recovery post-exercise, but you can level up your other meals and post-workout morning routines by taking advantage of its deliciousness and creaminess. Add Core Power Vanilla to enhance your morning coffee, intensify your overnight oats, or pour it over your favorite cereal. Add fresh berries to Core Power Strawberry Banana and freeze it, then top with raw nuts or granola and honey for a play on a parfait. Use Core Power Chocolate as a base and add peanut or almond butter, bananas, and ice in a blender for the ultimate protein and energy smoothie.

Ever since being personally introduced to Core Power by Black Girls RUN!, it has been a part of my post-workout routine and often my go-to for a high-quality, high-protein afternoon pick-me-up. Core Power is my preferred way to help fight post-workout fatigue, as well as a delicious and satisfying alternative to help you power through your day.

The importance of post-run recovery and the role protein plays in that recovery makes Core Power the perfect solution, with 26g or 42g of protein. Intaking high-quality protein within 30 minutes of finishing a run or workout helps your body to start repairing and rebuilding your muscles that help fuel your next workout.

So go ahead, ramp up, and refresh your recovery with Core Power. Your body will thank you!

By: Joy Harrell @joyrunsrealestate

Joy Harrell is a licensed real estate agent and co-owner of The Sift Sisters bakery based in Houston, Texas. She is a native Houstonian and graduate of the University of Houston—go Coogs! When she is not helping people buy, sell or invest in real estate, she can be found hanging or traveling with her hubby, running or biking the streets and trails in and around Houston, mentoring girls, or testing new food and cocktail recipes.