Oct 26, 2018
BGR! Nation is headed to Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon for our Summer 2019 National Meetup!

Black Girls RUN! Nation – we are headed to Canada!
The Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon and 5K – June 2, 2019 – let’s go!
Niagara Falls Canada is a world famous and beautiful place to visit. Thundering waters flow over the brink 24/7, every day of every year.
The course goes past The Falls TWICE! and then along the mighty Niagara River. Feel the positive ions…
It’s time BGR! adds excitement to this great event again. In 2014, over 700 of us enjoyed the scenery, the love and the feeling of accomplishment. And, Race Director Ross Robinson and his team want to welcome us again.
BGR! has negotiated a special Entry Fee, good until October 31st. Use code BGRNF2019. Save money, and get extra swag.
REGISTER NOW! After, October 30th, be sure to select Black Girls RUN! from the group dropdown selection to receive the additional group amenities! Let’s get 1000 women in Canada!