Black Girls RUN! Local Group Run Agreement - Please Sign

BGR! Foundation

Black Girls RUN! provides a community to inspire all women to be active and healthy. In July 2018, under new BGR! ownership and leadership, the Black Girls RUN! Foundation was created as the philanthropic arm of the national organization to support our national community footprint, programming, marketing, promotion and the expansion of the organization.

All donations are 100% deductible.

The Black Girls RUN! Foundation can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community. Without these donations, serving those in our community would not be possible. Since our organization relies on the generosity of individuals like you, we ask you to consider a donation to our cause. We hope that you will help support our efforts.

Visit The Black Girls Run Foundation Facebook Page

We have simple ways setup to give back to the Black Girls RUN! Foundation.
  1. Send a check/money order (made out to Black Girls RUN! Foundation) to PO Box 15878 Richmond, VA 23227. *If you would like to make specific donation to a local chapter, please indicate in the memo. Your donation will be earmarked for that group.*
  2. Download the app Givelify and search Black Girls RUN! Foundation and make your donation directly through the app directly deducted from your bank account. *If you would like to make specific donation to a local chapter, please indicate in the memo. Your donation will be earmarked for that group.*
  3. Make online Amazon purchases at and choose BGR! Foundation as your supporting charity.
  4. Register your Kroger grocery card to Kroger Community Rewards Program and link your account to NPO number CH673.
  5. Donate through our Facebook page. *Donations cannot be earmarked to a specific group through Facebook.*

EIN: 83-0866322

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