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Aug 19, 2024

Crafting a Hydration Plan: A Guide for Those Who Struggle with Staying Hydrated

Yes, it is THAT important.  We have to hydrate to support our big pavement moves.  Without adequate hydration, our bodies become like a car running out of oil—unresponsive and possibly making weird noises. Proper hydration helps with everything from regulating body temperature to keeping your skin looking healthy. 

Staying hydrated sounds simple, but for many, it’s a daily struggle. Between busy schedules, forgetfulness, and plain old water aversion, keeping up with hydration can sometimes feel like a chore. Let’s tackle some common barriers to staying hydrated and explore practical solutions to help you drink up and stay refreshed.

Hydration + You = Relationship Goals

Whether hitting the gym or running marathons, you’ll need more than water. Look for hydration drinks that replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Ultima Replenisher’s electrolyte formula is ideal, providing a balanced mix of essential electrolytes without added sugars.

 Be realistic with your goals. Try setting small sip-to-sip goals. avoid falling into the trap of a lofty goal to start by promising to drink a gallon of water by noon. Start with achievable goals—like an extra glass of a day. You’ll get there, one sip at a time.

If water isn’t your bestie, start with small, manageable sips. Try infusing it with fruit or jazz it up with a packet of Ultima Replenisher for some extra hydrating flavors. 

For some of us, remembering to drink water is a daily struggle. Hydration apps and smart water bottles can send you reminders and even track your intake. Yes, there are apps to remind you to drink—because our phones know we need the help.

Grab a sole sista to join you in hydration. A little competition never hurt anyone! Set daily water challenges or even share your favorite Ultima Replenisher flavors!

Eat your way to hydration!

Are you looking for a tasty way to boost your hydration? Look no further than the produce section! Fruits and vegetables aren’t just great for your taste buds—they’re packed with water and fiber helping keep you hydrated while you snack.

Here are a few to try to add to your grocery basket:








Decisions, decisions!

When selecting a hydration drink, consider your personal needs and preferences. If you’re an active individual or simply want to enhance your hydration routine with a flavorful, low-sugar option, Ultima Replenisher can complement your water intake. 

If you’re avoiding sugary drinks, Ultima Replenisher shines again. It’s free from sugar and artificial sweeteners, making it a great option for those looking to stay hydrated without the inevitable sugar crash. Pick your favorite fruit flavors, or mix them to create your own tantalizing combinations. 

Hydration doesn’t have to be boring. Ultima Replenisher offers a variety of natural flavors to keep your hydration routine enjoyable. From refreshing lemon to fruity raspberry, you can find a taste that makes drinking your hydration drink something you look forward to.

Blissful Unawareness

Sometimes the culprit is plain ole’ lack of awareness of hydration needs. People often underestimate how much water they need or when they’re dehydrated.

Educate yourself on hydration needs based on activity levels and climate. Keep track of your water intake and listen to your body’s signals. Dry skin, dark urine, and the feeling of fatigue are signs you might need more fluids. 

Set intentions to increase balance in your beverage choices. Try to limit drinks that act as diuretics (like caffeine and alcohol) and counteract their effects with additional water. Incorporate water into your routine by drinking a glass before or after each of these beverages. I make sure to have a glass of water before my morning coffee. 

Seek Professional Guidance

While these solutions can help, individual hydration needs vary. For personalized advice tailored to your specific health conditions and lifestyle, consulting with a healthcare provider or nutritionist is invaluable. They can provide expert guidance on how much water you should be drinking and recommend strategies suited to your unique needs.

By addressing common hydration barriers and seeking professional advice, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining optimal hydration and overall well-being.

You built it, now sustain it! 

Staying hydrated can sometimes feel like a never-ending challenge, but sticking with it pays off in spades. Whether you’re overcoming barriers or refining your hydration strategy, the key is to stay committed to the journey. Every sip counts, and your body will thank you with improved energy, better performance, and overall vitality. Here’s to a well-hydrated, healthier you!

By: Anna Humes / Instagram: annadeeskie

Anna Humes is a licensed clinical therapist and native of northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area. Anna joined BGR! Cincinnati in 2022 and loves sharing the pavement with her sole sisters collecting bling while experiencing joyful movement.