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Nov 16, 2022

5 Healthy Eating Tips for the Holidays

So, it’s that time of year when you start to smell the yams, collard greens, ham, and oh yes, the holiday food. You’re trying to eat healthy and let’s be honest it can seem very difficult during this time of the year. Think about it, how many times have you gone back to have that 2nd and 3rd plate of food just because you feel like you don’t get that kind of food during the year?

It’s also the time of the year when we seek comfort foods, warm teas, coffees, and all warm desserts. It can especially seem hard when you’re trying to lose weight or simply trying to live a healthier life. It’s not just about refraining from eating these types of foods but being mindful of what we are eating.

Mindful Cravings
What do we battle with the most during the holidays when we are trying to eat healthier or have goals of losing weight or even maintaining weight?  We battle with cravings, with the feeling of not having enough. But is that truly the reason why we are having cravings? How being mindful of the cravings is the key.

Here are some tips the next time you have a craving

  1. Stop and think about why you are having that craving.
    1. Are you filling time?
    2. Are you bored?
    3. Are you hungry?

The more we become mindful of our cravings the more we can fight them.

So how do you tackle the holiday cravings, ask yourself the same questions above.

Other ways of combating the holiday cravings are:

  1. Make sure you are eating your regular scheduled meals (don’t skip meals)
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Make a smaller plate of food (Don’t try to pile your plate up with so much food)
  4. Don’t overindulge, eat in moderation (You don’t have to say NO to the sweets but eat them in moderation)
  5. Don’t deprive yourself (eat the food but make smaller portion sizes)

Eating should not be another job or chore. When you truly start to become more mindful of what you are eating and why you are eating the more you can combat your weight loss and fitness goals. Step into this holiday season with mindfulness of your goals and why you want to achieve them. Let your goals be the inspiration to set yourself up for SUCCESS during this holiday season.

By: Felicia. R. Hall @feliciarhall
Felicia is an educator and motivator at heart. Felicia is a Certified Athletic Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Run & Fitness Coach, RYT 200 Yoga Instructor, Educator, and a doctoral candidate. She is a small-town girl who loves running, nature, and helping others become the best version of themselves.